Mr Naveenprasath APV
Deputy Manager
Ashok Leyland Limited
M.E. - Industrial Safety Engineering
Total No. of years experience
Year-wise Career
2017-2018 Pfizer Healthcare India Private limited, Chennai
2018-2109 Johnson Controls (I) Private Limited, Chennai
2019-2021 Hatsun Agro Product Limited, Salem
2022 - Till Now Ashok Leyland Limited, Hosur
First Aider
Fire Fighter
ISO 14001, ISO 45001 Internal Auditor
BBS Master Trainer
Guest Lectures/ Faculty / Training Details
Guest Lecturer for M.E - ISE students in Knowledge Institute of Technology
Training on Emergency Rescue & Emergency Drills to various companies and colleges
Awards & Recognition
Recognized as Best Safety Officer
Various awards in OHS practices by DISH, NHRD, QCFI