PDIS - Post Diploma Industrial Safety
Total No. of years experience
13Years of Experience in Environment Health, and Safety.
Year-wise Career
Currently working at Mahindra Aerostructures Pvt Limited. as a Dy. Manager EHS Dept...
Worked at MSPL Limited as Assistant Manager EHS Dept… from October 2018 to February 2024.
05. 02 Years.
Worked at Roquette Riddhi Siddhi Pvt. Ltd. as a Sr. Safety Engineer EHS Dept… from April 2017 to September 2018 01.5 Years.
Worked at KTTM - Kirloskar Toyota Textile Machinery Pvt. Ltd. as a Safety Engineer EHS dept… from February 2015 to March 2017 - 02.1 Years.
Worked at BIAL - Bangalore International Airport limited Projects, With SIEMENS ltd as a Safety Engineer EHS dept... From October 2012 to January 2015 - 02.3 Years.
CII SR EHS Awards Assessor
Certification Exposure to OHSAS - 45001:2018, EMS - 14001:2015
Internal Auditor for ISO 45001 and 14001
Trainer for safety and compliance.
Undergone the training program of ALP - Accelerated Learning Program.
Undergone the training program of First Aid
Guest Lectures/ Faculty / Training Details
1.Training on critical equipment and machines safety
2.Training on hazardous chemicals safety
3.Training on electrical safety
4.Training on legal compliance
5.Training on HIRA -Hazards Identification Risk Assessment.
6.Training on Environmental Aspect and impact study
7.Training on hazardous waste management system
8.Training ISO OHSAS and EMS standards requirements.
9.Training on emergency prepared and response.
10.Training on material handling equipment safety.
11.Safety Audits, Inspections.
12.Fire Safety Audits
Awards & Recognition
Received CII SR EHS Awards
Received WSO EHS Excellence Awards