Mr Premkumar Panneerselvam
Prem Consultancy Services
Total No. of years experience
46 Years
Year-wise Career
1978 -1985 English Electric Pallavaram (Maintenance)
1985-1987 Tamilnadu Industrial Explosives (Projects)
1987-1990 Hyderabad Allwyn Limited (Projects)
1990-2016 -Maintenance,Projects, Energy and EHS)
2016-2017 -Hutchinson Rubber Products Private Limited (Projects and EHS)
2018- Till Date --Self Employed
Certified Energy Auditor (BEE)
Cerified Building Energy Management Professional (CII)
Acredited Green Building Professional (IGBC)
Certified Professional in Climate Change and Sustainability, Carbon Foot Printing, LCA, Sustainable Waste Management (CII)
Lead Auditor in ISO 9001-2015,14001-2015,45001-2018 &50001-2018
GreenCo Assessor (CII Certified)
EHS Award Assessor Training
Lead Verifier GHG Protocol/ISO14064-2018
Guest Lectures/ Faculty / Training Details
2018-2023 -Empanelled Faculty for PCRA conducted Awareness on Energy Conservation Training Programs for about 150 Institutions (Industry & Educational Institutions)
Conducted IA Training Programs for PCRA (ISO 50001-2018)
Awards & Recognition
Energy Efficient Company Award from CII for Delphi TVS
Platinum Award from Delphi Global for Sustainability
Management Representative for EnMS and was the First Company in Delphi Group